Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Macys or Fileens - Does Branding Matter?

Federated recently announced that they would be rebranding all their stores under the Macy's banner. A friend commented that she was dismayed by this - according to her the service at Fileen's was always better, and she often had trouble finding help at Macy's. Given that these two chains have been run by the same people for many years, I can't help but think the staffing levels must be very similiar.

So which is it: did my friend perceive Fileens as better just because it wasn't Macy's? And is Macy's stabbing themselves in the back by eliminating the Fileens monicker? Or was Federated truly maintaining better staffing levels at Fileens?

As the differences disappear, so will the shoppers. Branding matters. A lot. (and by the way, so does service!)

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